Living Word Galena

Living God's Story; Following Christ Together.

The Danger of Familiarity

Derrick Hurst

Apr 13 2014

There is a danger that comes when something is too familiar. When we get too comfortable with something we often fail to see the problems that are right in front of us. Listen as Pastor Derrick explains how the danger of familiarity has infected our understanding of the message of the bible.

Living Word is a church affiliated with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. We believe that Jesus was a real man and that he was really God's son. We believe that he died and rose, and now our lives are devoted to living out his story by serving others. About Derrick Hurst

Living Word is part of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. We're focused on making disciples by connecting to God's word, growing in Christ, and serving those around us.

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