Living Word Galena

Living God's Story; Following Christ Together.

Category: Christianity
Teaching Timothy - Lesson 7

Derrick Hurst

Oct 23 2016

No one wants to be alone. Just about everyone has a need to be needed. We may want our space from time to time but everyone needs companionship. This week Pastor Derrick shares some famous words from Scripture and some famous words from a popular song ...

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Teaching Timothy - Lesson 6

Derrick Hurst

Oct 16 2016

This week Pastor Derrick shares the power of the bible. He gets personal with his desire that we read the bible and take it to heart.

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Teaching Timothy - Lesson 5

Derrick Hurst

Oct 09 2016

Discipleship is a buzz word in the church. There are books written about it. People speak about it. Jesus even tells us to be about it. But do we really understand what it's all about? Listen as Pastor Derrick helps define a disciple and outline 3 char...

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Teaching Timothy - Lesson 4

Derrick Hurst

Oct 02 2016

Who got you to where you are today? Who was your mentor? Who shared faith with you to teach you about the love of Jesus? Listen as Pastor Derrick shares the importance of sticking to the message and sharing the love of Jesus with people where you live ...

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Teaching Timothy - Lesson 3

Derrick Hurst

Sep 25 2016

It's easy to preach a gospel message that sounds more like just be a better person. But in all reality, that isn't the message of the gospel. The message of the gospel is one of fighting, struggle, but also assurance in Jesus' work. Listen this week as...

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Teaching Timothy - Lesson 2

Derrick Hurst

Sep 18 2016

For whom do you pray? Do you pray for your family? Friends? What about your neighbors, even the ones you really don't know? What about your co-workers going through rough times? All of these are great! But what about your enemies? How often do you pra...

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Teaching Timothy - Lesson 1

Derrick Hurst

Sep 12 2016

The letters of Timothy in the new testament are actually letters to Timothy. They're written by Paul to his young student. As Paul writes, he is sharing simple truths with Timothy on how he should live. Listen this week as Pastor Derrick introduces thi...

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Your Best Life Now

Derrick Hurst

Sep 04 2016

What would you do to ensure you could have the best possible life right now? What's it worth to you? This week Pastor Derrick shares how there's a flaw in the 7-step approach to finding a good life. Listen as we discover how we already have access to o...

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Counter Cultural - Christian

Derrick Hurst

Aug 29 2016

It's a matter of identity. We put a lot of weight into identity and how we see ourselves. But the fact of the matter is, a lot of our identity is determined by things that really don't matter. This week Pastor Derrick wraps up his Counter Culture sermo...

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Counter Cultural - Marriage

Derrick Hurst

Aug 22 2016

The Christian church needs to wake up to the challenges it's facing in the world today. It's not all roses and candy. We're called to live differently than society. But for some reason, we find ourselves just floating down the lazy river of culture. Th...

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Living Word is a church affiliated with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. We believe that Jesus was a real man and that he was really God's son. We believe that he died and rose, and now our lives are devoted to living out his story by serving others. About Derrick Hurst

Living Word is part of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. We're focused on making disciples by connecting to God's word, growing in Christ, and serving those around us.

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